Monday Morning Wake-Up Call


An early riser, an optimist by nature, a lover of mornings, I’m always eager to launch myself into the day. And it doesn’t take much to make me happy: A cup of strong coffee laced with cream or a handful of frozen blueberries from my summer-stash in the freezer, a silly joke shared with my husband, a good-morning text from a far-away friend, the hairy woodpecker hanging upside-down at the feeder, busily extracting his morning ration of sunflower seeds, a sky fluid with traveling clouds executing their own sublime choreography, or a soft grey mantle of mist draped across the nearby hills. Looking around at the life I’m privileged to live, I see much to be grateful for.

~ Katrina Kenison, from Mending the World (Jan 20, 2017)




33 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. “Looking around at the life I’m privileged to live, I see much to be grateful for.” I so agree, Amen! Morning is also my favorite time of day. I like how she is content, in-tune with her husband, the passing of inner and outer environment and eyes open enough to draw it in and her heart open to appreciate, it all.

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  2. Does this describe you, David? I loved this. Early mornings are my favorite. I don’t mind sharing this time but if I’m alone I’m supremely happy. 😊 If you were to ask my family, they’d tell you this is me, to a T.
    Again here, as in previous posts, the simple and ordinary become gift.

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  3. Early morning has always been my best time–creatively & mentally. I’m grieving a loss of some of that as I sometimes have to wait for my meds to kick in late morning to feel OK. But since my memory is Swiss cheese, I wonder if I’m gaining more “OK” time instead of waking up Black and staying Black.
    Yeah. I think the grief is a story.

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