Zeke. RIP.


Here’s Zeke at 4:54 p.m. yesterday, minutes before he expired.

Words? None. Not today.

Zeke (December 26, 2007 – September 5, 2016).


Related Posts: Zeke

167 thoughts on “Zeke. RIP.

  1. If he could have talked Dave, I think he would have said thank you for being his friend….and, we all know he would have meant every word of it. Take care DK……Steve

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I am so, so sorry for your family’s huge loss. Ah Zeke – your foil, your buddy and such a part of your heart. I think we all felt like we knew and loved that boy. My heart is with you and Susan..😢

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Ahh, damn, DK, I am so very sorry. There is no greater hole than the one left in one’s life by a beloved pet’s passing, and as Mimi said, sweet Zeke was loved by us all. Holding you and Your family close to my heart in this sad, sad time…😪

    Liked by 1 person

        1. How lovely that you were able to share those precious hours with him. I’ve heard many times that loved ones choose to depart when we step away so as to spare us the grief of saying goodbye at that precise moment. May the good memories soon overshadow the sorrow of his passing…

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh no, my friend… no words…
    sending you my thoughts.
    He is now lighter, in peace and …maybe even playing with Loretta [heavens took her a year ago]. One thing’s for sure, he carries a heavy load of love from you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dave, I’m so sorry to hear the news. I lost Sterlibg a year ago and it is tough. Those furry friends are so special and loyal. Unless you have a Zeke or Sterling in your life, you won’t understand. May he rest in peace.

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  6. I can’t like this. Our house is so empty. What a good boy he was….forever thankful we opened our hearts and let him in. He will always remain there. Good bye Zeke. We love you. 💕

    Liked by 2 people

  7. That pretty boy will live on forever in your soul. Soon enough, thoughts of him will make you smile and you will find the pain from missing him is less and less. DK you gave him a mighty good life…and we’re all just passing through.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. No way to ‘like’ – I’m sorry for this loss. Tell your stories, they remind you and your family of what makes you complete.
    Memories may feel sad -right now- but memories become a gift. A gift to help with grieving and leaning forward.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. We are so sorry to hear about Zeke. We recently lost one of our dogs, and know how hard it is to go through. They truly are a member of your family. Wishing the best to all of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh David
    I am so very sorry to hear of your loss in Zeke’s passing. Our fur babies are so much a part of us. Much love to you and your family. He will live on in all our hearts and minds as the wonderful character much beloved.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Christian. Yes, well described, he has loomed large and we didn’t realize how large until today, when he is gone. You can hear a pin drop in the house today. Appreciate your kind words and wishes. Thank you.


  11. I’ve only just clicked through to you for the first time, from Bela’s blog, and seeing this has the whole of my heart reach out to you and not a few tears too as I lost my own dear girl (always a pup in some way to me), aged sixteen and a half at the end of last year and looking at Zeke I see her, in that pose at the end. So I send empathy and warmth in appreciation in the joy that such wonderous beings give us over so many years, from the Cloud to you. ❤


    Liked by 2 people

  12. Dave, my sincere condolences to you and your family, regarding the loss of Zeke. I am so sorry your families journey is facing such a tremendous loss. He was such a good, sweet, loyal and beautiful, boy. He brought you and your family so much happiness and many treasured memories. My prayers for comfort and peace have been said for you and your family. May you take comfort, at such a difficult time knowing that many care about you and your family. We your readers/friends have been enriched to see the love you’ve expressed, by your sharing, Zeke’s life with us…He loved you all and your family in turn gave him such a wonderful life…Cyber hugs to your family. God’s grace to you, Gently,Christie

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Oh, this is really sad. I feel so sorry for you and your family, David. You’ve lost a true and beloved companion. I hope that, one day, you can remember him with all the joy that he has brought into your life and that the good memories will be stronger than the sadness that he’s gone. He will always be a part of your life and your time together a great gift.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. DK, I thought I would check back in to see how your friends rallied around you during what is the toughest of times. Did you see the replies? Loads…..The responses? Heartfelt….The authenticity? Total. The connection with all of us who follow you on the blog is simply amazing….you’ve created that through all the years you’ve been blogging, so very special. We’ve all lived every pitter patter of him that you shared with us. You know he would have said thank you. No better way to close. Take care DK. Steve A.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Smiling. Funny you mention this Steve. I was thinking exactly the same thing. What an amazing forum this blogging thing is to share our life experiences (joy and grief) in such a wonderful community. I appreciate you and all of my friends. Thanks so much for your kind words and thoughts. I was moved when I read your comment. Hope you and your family are doing well. Dave


  15. There’s no way to prepare to say good-bye to such a trusted and loyal friend. You can’t, you just stay with him and let him know how much he was loved and keep him calm and comfy as the end comes. God Bless you for doing so, it would have been much harder for him without you right there in his corner. Everything, even this, is easier for him with you there. Many hugs and tears on the loss of your beautiful friend. MJ

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  16. I am so sorry for your loss. Dogs are amazing, they know us like no one else. When they are gone a piece of us is gone. The healing takes days, weeks, months. You are in my thoughts and prayers. x

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  17. Just found you this A.M. I also shared a Zeke…gone 10 years…a wise old beagle who found me one day and still puts joy in my life……we travel with love

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