
Saturday morning work-out inspiration. Don’t quit on this too soon. Love the screech of the Hawk.

18 thoughts on “Sound

  1. Very, very cool. Love the resonance of the sound waves bouncing off the sheer rock walls. And the hawk was perfect. But I gotta confess, the whole time I watched, I thought, ‘Wonder what it must have taken to get that drum set out in that wilderness and up on that damn rock?’ (Be quiet, monkey mind…)

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  2. When I first moved to Chicago I lived right on the lake, near the Chicago/ Evanston border.
    Every summer and all summer long, Saturdays and Sundays, a young man came with the same setup as early as 5 am and played the drums till noon, then packed for the day.
    Slowly other musicians starting joint him.
    For three consecutive summers.
    No one ever complained.
    I miss that actually.

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  3. Love the creative idea and juxtaposition of percussion with nature. The young man reminds me of one of my sons who lives out west. :0) Hawks are pairing up now in my area. Their calls are much like the one in the video. Spring is here when this begins. Happy sigh…

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