Eric’s Excellent Adventure





Photos taken by Eric Kanigan in Iceland on January 4-6, 2016

33 thoughts on “Eric’s Excellent Adventure

  1. Ok, I know it’s not cool, but I am *green* with envy. Have always wanted to visit Iceland–looks like such a remarkable, beautiful, different place! Seriously, tickled pink for Eric that he’s having this adventure. Thx for giving us a peek, pal! 🙂

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  2. Wonderful! I wonder what time of day the first photo was taken b/c it made me think of “the land of the midnight sun.” And oh that pony, all fuzzied up for winter. The Northern Lights took me home again — and the colors are delicious. I hope he is having a wonderful experience there – is he visiting, in school, what? 🙂 Neat! MJ

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