If I like something, I like it a lot. (Simpatico)


My friend Denise tells me somebody told her, “Shopping is despair,” but my daughter Jennifer says, “Shopping is hope.” Hope gets out of hand. One turquoise ring from eBay is not enough. I must have five. A single secondhand Coach bag is not satisfying – I bid on seven. As I have implied, one is not a concept I understand. When I smoked I smoked three packs a day, when I drank, well, let’s not get into that. If your psyche is a balloon animal and you squeeze to eliminate the cigarettes and whiskey, the crazy has to go somewhere. A friend’s mother ate nothing but clams for six months. Morning, noon, and night, nothing but clams for six months.  “I don’t know what it is – I can’t seem to get enough of them,” she told her son. He shakes his head, but i understand. I eat nothing but broccoli for a month, then yogurt for six days, then (for one glorious week) lamb chops. One day I roasted a chicken and had seven chicken sandwiches before nightfall. If I like something, I like it a lot. Just one doesn’t cut it. I don’t know what it is I can’t get enough of. At least I don’t have shopping bags full of duck sauce.

~ Abigail Thomas, Thinking About Memoir

Photo Source: weheartit

30 thoughts on “If I like something, I like it a lot. (Simpatico)

  1. I understand her issue completely. I really like dishes….I own quite a few of them…I periodically have to give sets away…. in order, of course, to make room for new dishes….

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  2. Oh how I love it. I too get into a – whatever you call it, but I refuse to call it a rut – and get hooked on one wine, or one cocktail, or one concoction of a a meal or snack…and let it run it’s course. So often I hear myself say..oh, I wish I’d bought 5 of these (shoes, pants, socks..whatever!). I get it 🙂

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