To come so far, to taste so good

woman-black and white-portrait-ponder

Often a sweetness comes
as if on loan,
stays just long enough
to make sense of what it means to be alive,
then returns to its dark source.
As for me,
I don’t care
where it’s been,
or what bitter road it’s traveled
to come so far,
to taste so good.

~ Stephen Dunn

Credits: Poem – Thank you The Sensual Starfish. Photo by Andrea Tomas via Journal of Nobody
More Stephen Dunn: Is that a Path or a Rut?

17 thoughts on “To come so far, to taste so good

  1. From last ten minutes I have been thinking what to write as I just couldn’t find a word to express my feelings. From phenomenal to beautiful to wonderful to amazing to magnificent to I am speechless… Just can’t think of any. Umm I am still reading it.
    P.S. You actually made my day: 1. By introducing me to Albert’s letter and, 2. By sharing the above beautiful poem.


  2. Stephen Dunn is a favorite of mine. His “New and Selected Poems: 1974-1994” is never far from hand. He has such a gift for distilling the essence of a moment. Among my favorites from this collection: “Some Things I Wanted to Say to You,” “Corners,” “Happiness,” and “A Secret Life.” Thx for sharing this passage, DK…..


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