We could be better

snoopy-thank you

“Although people say they want to be thanked more often at work, fewer than 50% of Americans polled for the John Templeton Foundation, a philanthropic organization, reported that they would be very likely to thank salespeople, their mail carriers, or cleaning crews, and just 15% express daily gratitude to friends or colleagues. 74% never or rarely express gratitude to their bosses—but 70% said they’d feel better about themselves if their bosses were more grateful.”

~ Andrew O’Connell – We Could Be Better At Giving ThanksHarvard Business Review

Credits: Stats from HBR.  Image: snoopn4pnuts.com

28 thoughts on “We could be better

  1. I find this sad. My parents DRILLED this into our heads as kids–‘thank you’ and ‘excuse me’ were two phrases we learned to use early and often. It takes so little effort, and yet….


  2. How very true. Having been on both sides of the boss/employee relationship, the authors conclusions feel correct.

    I can’t recall a time when we didn’t give our postal worker or delivery person a card of thanks at the holiday time, often with a little gift inside. Same with the gardnerers when we had them, and special servers at the coffee shop who smiled and helped us all year.

    Thanks for the reminder that a little kindness goes a long way


  3. “Do Unto Others” seems so appropriate here. I don’t think I’m stingy with my thanks to these folks but it’s something to pay attention to.


  4. Because I say thank you to everybody as a matter of course, I can’t help bristling inside when someone doesn’t say thank you to me when they should. Such as when driving and you let someone have the right of way and they drive past with their noses in the air. It doesn’t take a lot to acknowledge someone else’s politeness with a wave. Or when one person holds a door open to let another through and it goes unacknowledged. Grrrrr. I’ve been known to call out after the rude person “Don’t say thank you , then!”
    Time to take a deep breath, Sarah D:


  5. Funny you posted this. Yesterday I was at a breakfast and the speaker was talking about the importance of thanking people “even though they are only doing their job”. I scratched my head at that.


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