Faces of Turkey

Happy clip. Great foot-tapping music by James Wallace and the Naked.

We often pass by others, forgetting that all the people we interact with are just like us…human. In Turkey, we tried to take an extra moment to “see” the people that make up this wonderful country.”

3 Minutes to start your day on the right foot.

Loved it…

Credits: Funding for the video provided by intrepidtravel.com/turkey.

21 thoughts on “Faces of Turkey

  1. Turkey is a big country and has a different regions, like Black Sea, Aegean part, Marmara, Mid Anatolia, East Anatolia, Mediterranean region, Southern east and South Anatolia,…. I love Anatolian people, more than city people… I am one of Anatolian born one. But in this video I wished to see more women… I can see there are more men and children faces… and so less modern face of my country. But I know this way is being so interesting to foreign people… There is not problem for this, but the title doesn’t explain my country with this video. Thank you, love, nia


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