
fruits, vegetables, health, fruit,food,dietSteve Layman’s post on this book published in 2006 peaked my interest.  (NY Times Bestseller.  Where have I been? How could I have missed this?)

Here’s an excerpt from Steve’s post:  “The foods you eat every day, from the fast food you mindlessly consume to the best meals you savor in a top restaurant, are doing much more than making you fat or thin.  Their effects on your body are making the difference between the development of chronic disease and a vigorous extended life.  They can prevent or greatly reduce your risk of vision problems, stroke, heart disease, diabetes and a host of killers.  These are not just vague promises; they are facts that are now supported by an impressive and irrefutable body of research.”

What are the 14 “Superfoods”?  Hit this link to see the complete list. (You have to question the veracity of this story given the omission of chocolate chip cookies, pistachio ice cream and smoked & salted almonds.)


26 thoughts on “SuperFoods?

  1. Well, just read over the list and with the exception of oranges, I’ve pretty much got it covered. Apparently I’m perched on the edge of gustatory greatness and I didn’t even know it?! ;-). I’m with you though, David, I fear there are some glaring omissions….


    1. Well, well. Is it any surprise whatsoever, that YOU have this covered. Let me guess. You also sat in the front row and were the teacher’s favorite. I just know that I’m on point here. 🙂


  2. It’s a great list (though now one has to ensure that the salmon isn’t farm-raised), and I would support the inclusion of oats in chocolate chip/pistachio cookies if one has to get that grain in. 😉


  3. I’m really surprised that turkey made this list, since meat in general is becoming more and more connected with all that ails us.

    In Dr. Michael Greger’s video, “U.S. Meat Supply Flying At Half Staph,” he profiles a 2012 report, “Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in U.S. Meat and Poultry” that found supermarket turkey was the meat most contaminated by staph bacteria (77% of turkey samples) and multidrug-resistant staph (79% of turkey staph), including the dreaded MRSA, the “superbug” now responsible for killing more Americans than AIDS. Turkey products also beat out other meats for contamination with Clostridium difficile, as reviewed in “Toxic Megacolon Superbug.”

    I’m just sayin’.


  4. I eat all of those superfoods, except for soy and yoghurt, both of which I’m intolerant to. I take probiotics instead and drink goat’s milk. So why do I have a stinking cold today and feel about ninety? Answer: stress D:


  5. This same book pigued my interest a couple of years ago when I discovered it in the library. Actually the writing is very good. I would just say I eat sprouted tofu instead of plain tofu, and eat kefir instead of yogurt. I also think dark chocolate (>75% cocao) should make the list 🙂


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