Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

We’re living in what they call the “Information Age,” but life only seems to be making less sense. We’re isolated, listless, burnt out on screens, cutting loved ones out like tumors in the spirit of “boundaries,” failing to understand other people’s choices or even our own. The machine is malfunctioning, and we’re trying to think our way out of it. In 1961, Marxist philosopher Frantz Fanon wrote, “Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it.” Our mission, it seems, has to do with the mind.

Amanda Montell, The Age of Magical Overthinking: Notes on Modern Irrationality (Atria/One Signal Publishers, April 9, 2024)


20 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. Oh Dave, all the intellectually challenging stuff you read! Had to read this short sequence twice, trying to get it – ok, I did get it but with all this knowledge I wonder, where‘s the pure, simple joie de vivre fell through the cracks.
    When I read, I do it for enjoyment, my days of labouring through lecture because I ‚need to learn more‘ or whatever, are over. I‘m glad that‘s so.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. “Ultimately, we’re left with the sense that Montell’s crisis of the mind begins and ends with the vague feelings of anxiety and dread many people feel after scrolling on social media apps” Tatum Hunter

    Such an immense struggle for myself, as a parent and as a teacher… to find the balance of the positives and negatives of social media. When you stand back, you know that people post and share the “good stuff”, but still find yourself in the loop of comparison. This awareness is more accessible for a 42 year old brain…. not the teenager (or in some cases even younger) brains, who lack the cognitive acuity to comprehend the many facets of social media.

    Another great read. Thank you DK.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Wow ! feels like I am reading what I always feel !and the thoughts that occupies my mind all the times .Thank you , just to let you know Dave I take a lot of recommendations of books from you ,read it ,and share it with my like minded friends . Have a good day !

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Your post makes me think of the opposite. For example .E.F. Schumacher said famously that ‘humanity is becoming too clever to survive without wisdom.’ Small is beautiful 1973 book.

    Liked by 4 people

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