Lightly Child, Lightly

“I unlatched the shutters. The light was as intense as a love affair. I was blinded, delighted, not just because it was warm and wonderful, but because nature measures nothing. Nobody needs this much sunlight. Nobody needs droughts, volcanoes, monsoons, tornadoes either, but we get them, because our world is as extravagant as a world can be. We are the ones obsessed by measurement. The world just pours it out.”

— Jeanette Winterson, Lighthousekeeping (Harvest Books; April 3, 2006)


  • Quote: Thank you Beth @ Alive on all Channels
  • Photo: Here comes the sun by hpskurdal
  • Post Title & Inspiration: Aldous Huxley: “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.”

19 thoughts on “Lightly Child, Lightly

          1. thanks, Kiki. I teach accounting, which is all about measuring how well a company is doing financially. At this point of explaining what I do, most people have fallen asleep… 🙂


  1. She has such a way with words. I so enjoyed her book (thanks to you) that I’ve added this one… Dude… you’re killing me here. I will have to stop blogging altogether and just read.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “The world just pours it out.” Yes, people instill, constraint…// I think her words spill rapidly…in your shared passage she speaks of nature & the extravagant of world, though doesn’t mention bountiful gifts like fruit from the vine, wild berries, herbs, tender flakes of cooked salmon and I know you like one herb well, mint that comes mix with cream, sugar with flecks of chocolate, Talenti’s Mediterranean Mint Gelato…does she speak of sharing a meal with another or others in her writings? I think she must have fully rich, joyful relationships…and being full of light is a choice…

    Liked by 1 person

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