Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

You really don’t have to lose everything and travel to a remote valley to discover that the world is always rushing forward to teach us, and that the greatest thing we can do is stand there, open and available, and be taught by it. There is no limit to what this cracked and broken and achingly beautiful world can offer, and there is equally no limit to our ability to meet it.

Each day, the sun rises and we get out of bed. Another day has begun and bravely, almost recklessly, we stagger into it not knowing what it will bring to us. How will we meet this unpredictable, untamable human life? How will we answer its many questions and challenges and delights? What will we do when we find ourselves, stumble over ourselves, encounter ourselves, once again, in the kitchen?

~ Dana Velden, Finding Yourself in the Kitchen: Kitchen Meditations and Inspired Recipes from a Mindful Cook (Rodale Books, September 8, 2015)


  • Quote source – Thank you Catherine @ Be sure to check out her blog and her design studio @ The KerrdeLune Design Works.
  • Photo: elenandrevn (via BruWho)
  • Post inspired by Make Believe Boutique: “When the True Self breaks through, a new and impassioned approach to life often makes itself known. We tap into an inner radiance that I call delight. I’m speaking of a unique kind of response to life that can coexist with our most painful realities. I’m speaking of the joy of saying yes to life in the core of our being. I believe that the capacity to delight in life is deeply carved by our waiting.  Delight can become a way of life, a way of journeying. There’s a saying, “Religion is not to be believed, but danced.” I like this idea, as it shifts the emphasis from our endless pursuit of religious knowledge back to the dimension of living our religion in such a way that it becomes a dance, a celebration in which we open our arms and say yes to life. ~ Sue Monk Kidd, “When the Heart Waits. Spiritual Direction for Life’s Sacred Questions”

20 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. What struck me here first is the Sue Monk Kidd reference. I just LOVE her writing…. She’s a winner in my book.
    Then, I’m glad, pointing you to a Catherine’s blog post a long time ago, you made it ‘your’ business to stick with her. She is one precious woman, that one.
    Plus, everything kitchen, cooking, religion (in the loosest way and very indepth too), anything philosophical and thinkworthy – it’s all my daily joy and delight – so, THANK YOU for this Morning rumination. It is gratefully received.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “That’s the sacred intent of life,of God – To move us continuously towards growth, towards uncovering all that is lost and orphaned within us” Love Monk’s work and her book and this piece by Velden above. Brava to both.

    Liked by 2 people

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