Jozi: City of Gold? Aura of Its People.



30 thoughts on “Jozi: City of Gold? Aura of Its People.

      1. I loved how you said, “The Aura of its people, ” in your title.
        I would like to think this is why it’s called The City of Gold. The people, not the gold.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. We have a great (old) friend who lived the last 60yrs in the area of Jo’burg. He visited us a few times and the photos and stories he brought with him, correspond beautifully to your son’s photographs. We always marvel at the aptitude of these mostly poor people to smile and be joyful in the sight of the very little they have or . What they do have, is an immeasurable richness of joie de vivre, the ability to make do with near-nothing, having a great time where we would only whimper and complain. I also find that ‘your’ Trevor Noah is an outstanding example of a wonderful, happy, brilliant and highly intelligent Jo’burger. There is much crime and cruelty, people have to protect themselves and hide behind high walls – (and we have several South African friends, living still there, in the UK, France and Switzerland) – it’s one of those ‘countries’ we seem to be generally unable to ever fathom out how they work, how their people manage to live so gratefully and joyfully and luckily we also never get into contact with the truly bad elements.

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  2. Gorgeous photos. Eric truly does capture the joy in these people. How lucky for him to have a dad admire his son’s work and share it for all of us to see.
    And how lucky for you to have a son willing to share with his dad’s peeps 😉

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  3. Your Globe trotting Son has Captured Much Joy in His Wonderful Photos…/// Our neighbors grew up in South Africa…he in the Wine Country and I believe the new mommy (they also have a sweet 4year old) grew up in Johannesburg…he is a University Professor and she is an Interior Designer…

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  4. Dave – What a super treat! Thanks for sharing Eric’s insta and web address. Clearly, Eric has an artistic side that ALL must come from Susan. The writing is all vintage Kanigan. Very special kid. Wow! Love it!

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