Something about long, lazy days and whirring air conditioners

Summer…It must be something about the heat and the smell of chlorine, fresh-cut grass and honeysuckle, asphalt sizzling after late-day thunderstorms, the steam rising while everything drips around it. Something about long, lazy days and whirring air conditioners and bright plastic flip-flops from the drugstore thwacking down the street. Something about fall being so close, another year, another Christmas, another beginning. So much in one summer, stirring up like the storms that crest at the end of each day, blowing out all the heat and dirt to leave everything gasping and cool.

Sarah Dessen, That Summer 

Notes: Quote: Thank you Whiskey River. Photo: Walking Geema

30 thoughts on “Something about long, lazy days and whirring air conditioners

  1. Yes – all of it. As the trees begin to look exhausted from supporting its leaves and the leaves show the beginnings of a yellowish tinge; the anticipation of new school supplies…and the concurrent need to hold on to this season with arms outstretched.

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  2. Ahhh all those scents and sounds and, while the heat and humidity are still present, the evenings just got cooler, the air feels different, there are signs already. There is that: bring on fall but not too fast as time is going way too fast.

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  3. Made me smile. This MUST be an American writer (and of course, it is, indeed…. as the English Old School ppl would say!). We have NONE of the above, but really none. Not even the freshly cut grass, as we have NO rain and what used to be grass, is a brown, rustling prairie. We had some rain today, exceptionally it seems and it was like Manna!!
    Happy Sunday to all of you.

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