Normal People

Last night he spent an hour and a half lying on the floor of his room, because he was too tired to complete the journey from his en suite back to his bed. There was the en suite, behind him, and there was the bed, in front of him, both well within view, but somehow it was impossible to move either forward or backward, only downward, onto the floor, until his body was arranged motionless on the carpet. Well, here I am on the floor, he thought. Is life so much worse here than it would be on the bed, or even in a totally different location? No, life is exactly the same. Life is the thing you bring with you inside your own head.

~ Sally Rooney, Normal People (Hogarth, April 16, 2019).

DK Rating: Highly Recommended. Sally Rooney, 28 years old, and to write like this, Wow…


25 thoughts on “Normal People

    1. Or where we walk or travel.

      Your thought reminds me

      “Always rather embarrassing to wonder what one gets out of travel to make up for its privations, except that it requires so much more imagination to stay at home. “
      William Empson,
      letter to John Hayward, 7 March 1933

      Liked by 2 people

  1. This could be you. No sleep. “DK, so tired, was found on the floor in the train during the morning commute..” It was three days before anyone noticed, mainly because they were too self-absorbed with their phones and their busy lives” ha 😛

    Liked by 3 people

    1. LAUGHING. SO GOOD. Was reading this while clutching my iPhone walking to train station. Getting smacked around first thing in morning by Bush Woman from down under. IT’S GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY.

      Liked by 3 people

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