Saturday Morning

For the sake of cleansing seconds
stare at something still.
Free from feeling filled
hum the sound of the sun descending
sitting in its final ribbons.
Watch what leaves shake
in the unseen breeze.
Feel your own fingers.

Let time be soil for time.
Let hunger set in

~ Sean Kearny, “Be Bored” from Press 1  (Fall 2014)


Notes: Poem from Photo credit to JP Benante

17 thoughts on “Saturday Morning

  1. awwwh, the beauty of this pairing! You DO seem to be in a particular mood where you show your feelings in ‘special quotes’. VERY understandable and beautiful.
    Hope you all have a good Saturday – here, right now in Switzerland, the sun is shining and the lawns around the rental are dotted lovingly and generously with tiny primroses and daisies. Sheer beauty – makes my fallback to hurting lumbago (thanks to my gardening although I KNEW it wasn’t the very best idea) better supportable…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Our biology and our psychology were shaped together over a long period of time to help us survive as a species. For the vast majority of human history we have lived in a tribal or village context. That’s where our primary satisfactions took shape. From the moment we are born, we expect to be a part of a tribe; to step out of our enclosure in the morning and see many pairs of eyes looking back at us; to find those people there to meet us and to affirm us; and to go and gather food with them and build a fire and perform the rituals the community needs. When that doesn’t happen, we feel a great emptiness, even if we aren’t consciously aware of it. And then we blame ourselves for the emptiness, asking, What’s wrong with me?

      ~ Francis Weller, in an interview with Tim McKee titled The Geography Of Sorrow. Francis Weller On Navigating Our Losses, in the Sun Magazine, October 2015

      Liked by 1 person

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