Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

I wake from a dream,
reach towards day as it hatches,
its tiny beak presses against
the delicate shell of sky.
Today I might learn to fly.

~ Christine Valters Paintner, “Wings” in Dreaming of Stones: Poems


38 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. That heartbeat Gif….. aaawwwh
    My day didn‘t start with a possibility to fly – my lumbago gets worse during the night and I nearly started today with a plunge, so strong was the pain – but then I saw this, drank the words deeply in, I listened to the many birds we have singing their hearts out in our garden and I praised this Monday and its Maker for all the beauty, the good, the incredible Wonderful…. Thank you for both, poem and pic

    Liked by 2 people

          1. Is is an English word? That‘s where I got it from…. muttering under one‘s breath (complaining not quite silently but not too obviously either). Oh, the tracks we‘re engraving into the fresh morning soil here…. entirely non related to the beautiful bird‘s heart beatings and poet‘s singing! 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          2. mut·ter


            Learn to pronounce



            say something in a low or barely audible voice, especially in dissatisfaction or irritation.

            “he muttered something under his breath”

            synonyms:talk under one’s breath, murmur, mumble, whisper, speak in an undertone, speak sotto voce, speak in hushed tones;

            talk to oneself

            “a group of men stood muttering in one corner of the room”


          3. There….. that was EXACTLY what I meant! Don‘t tell me I, a Swiss with SWISS German mother tongue, found you a new word….. THAT would REALLY make my day!!!! 😉

            Liked by 1 person

          4. You found Me a new word. Lori spits them out like pits from Cherries. “Ephemeral” was the first word of many she introduced to me. Followed by “Ethereal”


          5. Oh, both E-words are absolute favourites of mine too. Especially Ehtereal – It‘s funny that you didn‘t know them – but then I‘m REALLY into languages (as you already found out) and these words totally speak to me! Since my husband is first of all French spoken (not that the French think so, his F is the Swiss F and hence it can‘t be REAL….), and also because he does not really want to hear my Swiss German or German, we often say things in English when we think the other one doesn‘t ‚get it‘! Therefore I sometimes think that my E vocabulary (as his) is by and by getting better than any other one.

            Liked by 1 person

          6. Surprised? This is me:

            “The tasks fell into two categories: things I didn’t know how to do, and things I didn’t even know I didn’t know how to do yet.”

            ~ Pam Houston, Deep Creek: Finding Hope in the High Country (W. W. Norton & Company; January 29, 2019) 

            Liked by 1 person

          7. 😉 🙂
            Or, as I like to say (mostly about HH): He’s a bottomless well of things of utter fascination, great interest and TOTALLY useless in everday life….

            Liked by 1 person

      1. Lori, without realising I get here what a need. Some TLC, as Hero Husband is working abroad, as he does, week after week – nobody here to gently apply the soothing gel and helping me pulling up my socks 😉

        Liked by 2 people

          1. Oh, I know and have had that done for most of my life but Good Luck with that here in France. They have tablets & cortoids to sell…. I‘m also totally allergic to all these substances and HH had a tall job to find THE pharmacy to sell him ‚natural‘ products. I did some acupressure which helped greatly but then my thumbs hurt so much that I had to stop!!!! (Honestly!)

            Liked by 2 people

  2. Love the poet’s three identities; poet, hermit, mystic!

    And what a great way to start the week. My weekend starts today, but this almost makes me wish it was a real Monday, almost.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. How lovely to see that little robin’s chest-heart moving–how blessed we are by these aerial creatures!
    and my heart is with KiKi and all who are hurting…before they see such a creature as this robin!
    [my antidote to body pains is a yoga regime while still in bed in the am, ending with RBG’s mini push-ups; then a short regime on my feet downstairs. This seems to oil all those creaky parts.]

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Valerie, for your thoughts and well wishes. I’m so CREAKY that I’m rivalling my bed with my sighs and noises, trying just to get out of it 😉 – never did any yoga, can’t keep my brain from its overdrive somersaults, so I’m afraid that wouldn’t work – but all your good vibes help me more than you’d imagine 🙂 🙂 🙂


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