Monday Morning Wake-Up Call


Come and see if ye can swerve me. Swerve me? ye cannot swerve me, else ye swerve yourselves! man has ye there. Swerve me? The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails, whereon my soul is grooved to run. Over unsounded gorges, through the rifled hearts of mountains, under torrents’ beds, unerringly I rush! Naught’s an obstacle, naught’s an angle to the iron way!

~ Herman Melville, Moby-Dick or The Whale (Modern Library, 1992, originally published by Harper & Brothers, 1851)

Photo: sebastião-salgado, Southern Right Whale, Patagonia, Argentina (via see more)

28 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

      1. Oh do not even try to sell yourself short, young man! You awaken so much in so many. The great part is we all share and expand with each other’s observations, notes, questions, arguments… what a fab bunch we all are. You especially as host.

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  1. I’ll admit, I knew what the photo was immediately. But I’m back from an amazing trip to Kauai, where whales displayed their jumping abilities every day, with such joy, such excitement, such abandon, that I had to hold myself back from joining them there in the deep Pacific Ocean.

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  2. I feel the tug to return…return to the place where the ocean meets the continent…the place where the last of October, 2017 ..I was thrilled to once again watch the Magnificent Whales living their life’s and delighting me…

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