Tuesday Morning Wake-Up Call (post 4-day weekend)

Travis Louie with Lemur Wisdom.  Louie lives in Red Hook, NY.  His paintings come from the tiny little drawings and writings in his journals. He has created his own imaginary world that is grounded in Victorian and Edwardian times. It is inhabited by human oddities, mythical beings, and otherworldly characters who appear to have had their formal portraits taken to mark their existence and place in society. The underlying thread that connects all these characters is the unusual circumstances that shape who they were and how they lived. Some of their origins are a complete mystery while others are hinted at. A man is cursed by a goat, a strange furry being is discovered sleeping in a hedge, an engine driver can’t seem to stop vibrating in his sleep, a man overcomes his phobia of spiders, etc, … Using acrylic paint washes and simple textures on smooth boards, he has created portraits from an alternative universe that seemingly may or may not have existed.



31 thoughts on “Tuesday Morning Wake-Up Call (post 4-day weekend)

  1. Aren’t people incredible?! Creativity like this thrills me. It’s one of the reasons I love interviewing artists…you never know what they’re going to come up with. Fantastic! (And not for nothin, but I think this fella needs some of that sleep powder I told you about a while back, pal. He’s lookin a little (ahem) edgy….)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi there, GM, my friend!! As always, your pics are amazing!! It seems there’s an issue with WP .. the reblog button is gone. Options to share are FB, Linked, Twitter, Press This, Pinterest … I have asked other blogger friends and they seem to have the same issue.
    One of them, a veteran blogger, contacted WP on a chat/support group asking. The response is they are looking into it.
    I’m not liking this … you know I like to reblog some posts like yours.
    Do you know anything? Anywise words for this ‘neophyte’? I’ll await for your response.
    Thanks is advance for anything you can educate me about!! Peace … ❤

    Liked by 1 person

          1. Hi there … this is what I found out today …. FYI … “Hi all. Just an update. It appears this happened because we removed some deprecated code, i.e. code for a feature that no longer exists, but it seems the reblog button was also using some of that code. Adding back the deprecated code is not an option, so our developers are working on replacing it with updated code that will allow the button to work again.
            We’re already testing potential fixes, so hopefully it won’t be too much longer.” … so, I wait!!
            Thanks again … I ‘reblogged’ your Caleg post in a special way, giving you all the credit, of course! Hope you don’t mind …. hugs!! ❤

            Liked by 1 person

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