Saturday Morning


What in your life is calling you,
When all the noise is silenced,
The meetings adjourned…
The lists laid aside,
And the Wild Iris blooms
By itself
In the dark forest…
What still pulls on your soul?

~ Rumi ((1207 – 1273)

Credits: Image Source: Mennyfox55. Poem: Your Eyes Blaze Out

25 thoughts on “Saturday Morning

  1. Ah…letting go of regret, my family and friends, what lies beyond, wondering if there is ever enough silence to completely eliminate the white noise. And fearing that kind of quiet a little bit too. Too much? Ok, more coffee

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Different era, different culture, same human preoccupations and soul- searching. I think it’s an eternal quest, to which we or may not discover the answer in the hereafter. And, of course, if we are destined to find them, it means that Rumi has already!

        Liked by 1 person

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