I would rather be a superb Perseid meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow



  • Image Source: The Sensual Starfish.
  • Everything you need to know: Perseid meteor shower.
  • Post title adapted from Jack London quote:I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.”

13 thoughts on “I would rather be a superb Perseid meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow

  1. Thanks for sharing the Jack London quote!..I have a feeling that Jack London was not an idle man, but a man of action… 🙂 I’ve stood peeking through the open doorway to the tiny room he and his wife shared at the The Wolf Creek Tavern. (former overnight stage coach stop) It was a his witting retreat…Another notable writer Sinclair Lewis also stayed there as did Hollywood Notables such as Clark Cable and others who liked the solitude and premiere fishing along the Umpqua River, I am sure many made the journey over to the nearby might blue Pacific… Last night I did see a meteor..from the comfort of my Garden Bed, yes my rustic “Garden Bed” from reclaimed wood, which was built a few weeks ago & has a retractable canopy …. I love the evening spent out in the plentiful garden, the Aspen tree is on the east side and beans are growing at the foot-board and a perky sunflower on the west of the handmade wooden bed. I took in the scent of Pine from some freshly cut trees and visible smoke from the distant forest fire as I relax to the chorus of some crickets & gaze at the night sky,. The cats and the pup love the garden bed, too…I Find Fresh Joy in this New experience of a Garden Bed 🙂 Ha, my daughter out searching for her cat with a flash light in hand came across some neighbors in the bed of their pickup watching the meteor shower, last night….

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  2. My wife and I laid outside in the field behind our house and watched the show. These little specks of “dirty ice cream” (as scientists describe comets) have been floating in space for a thousand years waiting for our planet to come along and collect them. It is possible that this sort of interaction is what led to water and life on earth about 4 billion years ago. When we see their trails in the sky we may be witnessing an echo of our own creation.

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