That’s it folks…


Happy Sequential Date. The last one this century. (That’s sobering)

Enjoy every moment!

Source: This Isn’t Happiness. Share inspired by Emil Cioran (The Trouble With Being Born): “This very second has vanished forever, lost in the anonymous mass of the irrevocable. It will never return. I suffer from this, and I do not. Everything is unique—and insignificant.”

20 thoughts on “That’s it folks…

  1. I have finally had a day of respite, and have been offline really for most of it and hadn’t noticed the date! I just shared with my kiddo and he, impressed, asked me: ‘how did you think of that!?’ Fun. I told him you told me. Thanks for a moment of coolness. 🙂

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  2. A friend sent a text yesterday at 10:11, 12/13/14 ( he waited all morning to do it). He’ll be waiting a very long time to do it again! I hadn’t noticed the date yesterday and now feel like in some ways, I missed out.😞

    Liked by 1 person

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