Happy Birthday Mimi!


She showed up here with a comment in March, 2012. How? From where? No idea.

She rings the morning bell at the crack of dawn with a dash of wit or splash of insight – softening up the spillway for others to come behind her. Gentle. Grace. Light.

I’ve had a handful of guest bloggers post on my blog. Don’t miss: The Final Act of Love

Her post was recognized by WordPress as one of the best of the day in “Freshly Pressed“: An Ode to Entomology

Here’s an excerpt from her beautiful post yesterday on the Eve of a Big Day:

Perhaps that’s it – I still believe in wonders.  In fact I think I notice them more than ever before.  Wonder in the breath of the wind, the intangible, unbreakable connections that tie me to those I love.  Wonder at how much more meaning my days have now that they have fewer requirements to dilute the attention I might give to the sun on my face.  And while I marvel, I also realize how tightly I am holding onto this life.  How much I love the moments as well as the spaces in between, when I breathe in the absolute sweetness of being a part of it all.

Read more here: Suddenly Sixty

Happy Birthday Mimi.

Image Credit: calendar.org


15 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Mimi!

  1. Thank you David – I do believe we are friends in so many of those intangible, inexplicable ways. Serendipity that I found your blog two years ago? A giggling universe laughing at the prospect of friendship between these two genuine and slightly neurotic souls? Whatever the genesis, I am so thankful. And here we are, almost 5AM, coffee in hand and a few minutes with Dave – the beginning of a very good birthday morning. Thanks my friend..


  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear friend!! In the happy, quixotic way that the universe often works, *I* discovered BOTH of your blogs at almost exactly the same time, and my life has been enriched immeasurably by your friendship. I look forward to starting my day with words of wisdom, laughter or inspiration from each of you. Here’s to 60 more!! 🙂


  3. happy birthday mimi, you are a special person who is connected to each of us, through the delicate web of the universe. and happy to see you have just the right amount of candles for her, dk)


  4. Happy Birthday to Mimi, and to David, what a lovely thing to do, I love this. And, I thank you. for using the word grace! 🙂 Mimi will know! I found your blog through Mimi and I love the interwoven and winding way that we have all found each other.


  5. Happy Birthday, Mimi! I’m fairly new to your blog, but very much like what I read. May the Karma Truck continue bringing you loads of wonders!


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