Can’t believe she is mine


I’m well into my morning run. (Running Post coming. Need to digest the thoughts. Lot going on there.)

The email comes across. (You check emails when you run? Apparently, I do.  Addict.)

Mind rips back to an earlier moment.  An earlier post.

There’s been 1,933 posts. 1,934 if you count this one. (1,933. Wow. Compulsive behavior flourishing)

Yet, one post sticks in my mind.  It’s from March 8, 2012.  And titled “He Moved Me.”

I recall interviewing her for a management role. Fire in the belly.  Zero management experience. (I didn’t need another Project.)

Tigress hired up her team. Led from the front. Protected her cubs. And had fierce followership. (My pride still surging.)

I sent her a congratulatory email this morning.

Her Alessandra Marie was born yesterday afternoon. (That’s her pic up there.)

She replied back: “Can’t believe she is mine.”

I step up the pace on my run.

Mind pans back to the day of Rachel’s birth.  And then Eric’s birth.

I need to call the kids.

I need to call them today.

22 thoughts on “Can’t believe she is mine

  1. I was thinking about how I haven’t posted for a while on my blog when I saw that you have posted 1,934 times! You so amaze me, and your latest post is just as thoughtful and touching as all of your previous ones. Keep it up! Well, maybe you could be a little less compulsive. 🙂


  2. I think I will always feel “I can’t believe they are mine.” I have felt so blessed with my children…they are the whole of my heart. I’m feeling that especially today with my youngest, since we had a scare yesterday and he ended up in the intensive care unit at the hospital. He’s quickly recovering and I’m home for a bit, while his friend is at the hospital visiting. I’m catching up with work e-mail and saw the e-mail with your blog post. Yes, so appropriate for me today…and, in truth, probably every day. My children, the three brightest lights in my life. Thanks for this post, David.


  3. I feel that way about my boys…and they are 23 and 30. And now that the oldest has a 3 year old, I can’t believe that they are all mine. And what my life would have been without them. Thank you for the good feeling.


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