Sunday Morning: Jack

“Meet Jack English, a 93-year-old legend who lives in a cabin isolated deep in the Ventana Wilderness, located in the Santa Lucia Mountains along the Central Coast of California. While on a hunting trip he learned that an old homestead in the Ventana Wilderness was being put up for auction by the estate of a childless heiress. He put a bid on the property and won. On the land he built a small cabin using materials from the land and milling trees by hand. When his wife passed away, Jack effectively left “society” and moved to the cabin full time.”

More on Jack English @ The Santa Barbara Independent: Jack

Good Sunday Morning

32 thoughts on “Sunday Morning: Jack

  1. Reblogged this on THE NAKED TRUTH 2 and commented:
    A man’s man here. Dependent on his own hard work and resources, he sings his own tune. ‘It’s not that I don’t like people, I do, I just don’t like swarms of em.’ Who could argue?

    Along these lines, he has something in common with the Baptist, and the Lord, who after a day of human interchange, went at night to ‘the mount of Olives.’ The serenity and quiet of ‘nothing’ is a jewel so few know. I am glad for this man and his testimony to himself.

    Notice how he remembers his wife.


    1. Thank you for reblogging and sharing your thoughts. He certainly is a “man’s man.” And as a fellow introvert, I could relate to much of what he is sharing. Although internet service is probably poor (or just not available) in his cabin…that would be a major Herculean habit to break. 🙂


  2. There is something about Jack’s choice and determination that is deeply appealing… the idea of just being away form all of it is rather enchanting.

    Loved that the word “scrumptious” was written on his wife’s photo 🙂



  3. This is beautiful! Made me feel quite emotional watching this – it was my dad’s dream to live like that at some time in his life, but like so many, he never got the chance before chronic illness took over, and a nursing home was his only choice in the end, not what any of us wanted – quite a horrible way to leave this life! So it’s good to see this, to know that at least some escape, and live their dream. And he looks so well at 93 – it must be good out there!! 😀


  4. I admire this man’s fortitude and grit. I think it takes a special kind of person to live with this degree of solitude. I’m not sure I could do it, but I’m very happy that Jack was able to live his life his way. May he do so til the day he draws his last breath….


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