You’re not defective. Neither is your shovel. Grab it, and dig in.


“What are we supposed to be looking for?” Stanley asked him.
“You’re not looking for anything.
You’re digging to build character”…
[Stanley] glanced helplessly at his shovel. It wasn’t defective. 
He was defective.

— Louis Sachar, Holes

20 thoughts on “You’re not defective. Neither is your shovel. Grab it, and dig in.

  1. This is so crazy, in that ‘what a small world’ kind of way! Just yesterday, my son and I were waiting in a line and got into a conversation with the folks behind us. Turns out that the man was a school teacher for many years and taught 5th grade (my son is in the 5th grade), so the conversation turned to the 3 R’s, easily. In the course of our chat, he enthusiastically recommended this very book to my son! I scribbled it on the back of our ticket so I would, thanks for the back up reminder! It’s next on our list! 🙂


  2. My kids all loved the book, so a couple of years ago, I read it. And LOVED it! You should read it, Dave – it would take all of a half-hour, I’m sure. Well worth it.


      1. Yes. EVEN IN CANADA!
        But it was only published in 1998 so you didn’t have a defective upbringing.
        The kids are reading it these days.


  3. Sorry I don’t know the book…I was only thinking about the “you’re not defective” part. If more of us (including myself) would truly believe that, think of all we could become. All we could achieve. Time to start shoveling out the dark and bringing in the light.


  4. Well, my friend yesterday I was busy reading this book 🙂 all thanks to you. The moment I read your post I downloaded the book & started reading then & there. Even though you will need more than 30mins to finish but it’s worth it in the end.


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