Monday Morning Wake-Up Call: Building Up A Head of Steam Heading Into the Week

The crested caracara is in the falcon family but not fast-flying aerial hunters, but rather sluggish and often scavengers.  They are found in Cuba, South America, Central America and Mexico and in the southernmost parts of the U.S.  The Northern Caracara has a length of 19-23 inches, a wingspan of 42-51 inches and weighs 1.8-2.9 pounds.  It is broad-winged and long-tailed.  It has long legs and frequently walks and runs on the ground. The Northern Caracara is an omnivorous scavenger that mainly feeds on carrion. The live prey they do catch is usually immobile, injured, incapacitated or young. Prey species can include small mammals,amphibians, reptiles, fish, crabs, insects, their larvae, earthworms, shellfish and young birds. The voice of this species is a low rattle. (Source: Wiki)

Image Source: Thank you Steve Layman via Head Like An Orange

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