Saturday Morning: Let’s Ride

For our Saturday morning work-out inspiration series, here’s two minutes of bike riding in the Selkirk Mountains above Revelstoke, British Columbia.  (Yes, I’m encouraging an alternative reality.  Childhood memories – 4 hours from my home town.  It’s summer.  Taking in clean mountain air.)  Enjoy!

Kona House of the Big Wheel 3 from Kona Bikes on Vimeo.

Source: GrindTV

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30 thoughts on “Saturday Morning: Let’s Ride

  1. Breathtaking!! I know the thrill is in the ride, but I would love to stop and just take in that glorious beauty (yes, I’m also enough of a klutz to be able to take this fantasy just-so-far).


  2. I don’t know if I should quote Emerson – “Of all the vaunted works of art, the master stroke is Nature’s part.” Or say – its a bloody ad!!

    But the kind if ad I like. Subaru ads are great. This one is too.


  3. David, I was wondering, did I misunderstand your intention of replicating this ride yourself?
    Revelstoke has an old family connection to me, so is a place that I consider part of my heritage.


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