Rain. Yes.


Woke up this morning with
a terrific urge to lie in bed all day
and read. Fought against it for a minute.

Then looked out the window at the rain.
And gave over. Put myself entirely
in the keep of this rainy morning.

Would I live my life over again?
Make the same unforgiveable mistakes?
Yes, given half a chance. Yes.

~ Raymond Carver, “Rain

Sources: Poem – larmoyante.  Photo: weheartit.com

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31 thoughts on “Rain. Yes.

  1. Interesting. I woke up to a very cold but sunny morning. Thought that in about a month, we’ll have our first spring Saturday! Oh, Saturday’s in spring. Fresh air, daffodils waving hello, sunglasses, errands by walking….can they come any sooner?


      1. Its been 15 years since I read Carver and I can’t remember any specific stories (I don’t think he wrote novels). But any collection of short stories will work I think. There is a Modern Library one that would be a good one to check out of the library.


  2. It’s an interesting intersection that I’ve arrived at – the age where you think about the choices you’ve made as well as the ones your didn’t. Carver may have the obvious truth… 🙂

    – J.


      1. David – I saw where ou asked what book to start with. If I remember correctly, the one books of his that I remember most was “Where I’m Callng From”, a collection of short stories and poetry. He’s an incredibly powerful writer – very direct, short, but incredible at capturing images and events…

        – J.


  3. just bought Raymond Carver’s book: What we talk about When we talk about Love…. and thought I would have taken note of this guy in one of your blog posts. Couldn’t find it but this here isn’t too bad either 😉

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