Is it possible that I could have missed this?

John E. Smith @ StrategicLearner informed me in his post that yesterday was National Cookie Day. Who knew?! What John failed to mention in his post is that unlike other major celebrated holidays which last a day, this holiday is to be worshipped for the entire month (and seems to have started a few days before Thanksgiving). Let’s get started…

craving, chocolate, cookies, hot chocolate, National Cookie Day

Image Credit: Wierdinabadway

47 thoughts on “Is it possible that I could have missed this?

  1. Woohoo!! This is a GREAT idea – Hallmark needs to get its hands on this holiday. And I need to go celebrate appropriately. (Btw – another techno-blonde moment – when I wrote you that there was snow falling on your page, I didn’t realize that this was a WP thing that is happening all over the place as some sort of homage to winter..sigh. I worry me sometimes).


    1. Ok, well I’m joining the blonde crowd with ya, Mimi, ’cause I also commented on David’s snow yesterday. :-/ And as for this holiday, my reverence will know no bounds. Think I’ll start my observances by baking another batch of those Dark Chocolate, Pistachio and Sea Salt Cookies–hallelujah!! 🙂


      1. Just a friendly observation about the fat guy in the red suit. Nothing more. Nothing less. I had always assumed his excess weight was related to genetics, some sort of thyroid condition, or possibly his sedentary lifestyle 10 months out of the year, but now I know…it’s all about the cookies!


  2. If you heard it on the radio, saw it on TV or read about it on the Internet…it must be true! Lets all be Cookie Monster for the month.


  3. I have not eaten all day until an hour ago, and then that was only pasta. That image is heavenly torture. I shall dream of such delights tonight.


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