Golden Autumn Day

…And I’m taking in the Indian Summer
And I’m soaking it up in my mind
And I’m pretending like it’s paradise
On a golden autumn day, on a golden autumn day
On a golden autumn day, on a golden autumn day, golden autumn day …

~ Van Morrison

6 thoughts on “Golden Autumn Day

  1. What a beautiful time of year autumn is. The gray cat in the clip looks just like my cat I had a long time ago. I had him for 13 and 1/2 years till he died. Loved him so much. I was surprised to see his picture in this clip.


  2. I like the music – and I don’t need to plead ignorance here 🙂
    Dave, you’ve got me conditioned now – I see stills of animals and I think I’m supposed to figure out what they’re saying. It’s getting unsettling… panic is ensuing… can’t do it.


    1. I should have put a disclosure on the posts. This was for pure listening pleasure. No animal conversation interpretations. And quite frankly, the lyrics aren’t Autumn soothing either.


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