No. I, too, have never seen anything like it.

un·be·liev·a·ble/ˌənbəˈlēvəbəl/: So great or extreme as to be difficult to believe; extraordinary

“After being abandoned by her mother, a baby fawn, Pippin, was adopted by a Great Dane, Kate, and they have been best friends ever since. Kate’s owner Isobel Springett describes the uniqueness of their relationship: “When they greet each other, I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s not a deer greeting a deer. It’s not a dog greeting a dog. It’s definitely something that they have between the two of them.”

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34 thoughts on “No. I, too, have never seen anything like it.

  1. The fawn practically jumps in excitement instead of loping along..Like she has springs in her feet. I love their friendship – they know how to play and how to be still and how to delight..I love this!


    1. Our Zeke nudges me after his dinner each dinner. It is like he’s telling me: “Come On, Dad….it’s time to play.” We play for a few minutes. He runs around. Then seems to have had enough…” Yes, it is universal. Another wonder of the magical world we live in. Thanks Bonnie.


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