Workout Inspiration: Gotta start by moving your feet…

Source: Head Like An Orange

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35 thoughts on “Workout Inspiration: Gotta start by moving your feet…

  1. Will you please never, ever do that again to me? First I’m frightened by a huge spider in my bathroom, that peeped out from between the shampoo and shower cream, and now this, this… eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks
    *runs away*


  2. Yes, if I saw that in my house, it would certainly inspire me to get my feet moving! (And probably one of my feet to land on top of it…….ewwwwwwww!)


  3. Well you got me @ 4:30am. Was not expecting that for your Saturday Workout Inspiration. Didn’t do my self any good by reading your blogs out of order…started with “1 Year”. What a swing of emotions!!


  4. Not QUITE what I was expecting from the title… was kind of hoping for something marginally more inspiring!


      1. So last week I couldn’t go wrong with any interpretation of any of your posts. The rules have changed?


  5. Oh my GOD! Made me afraid… You are amazing. Once they ask a question to him, “which leg you start to walk?”… He confused and couldn’t give an answer then he wanted to check which leg he start to walk but he almost confused… 🙂 Thanks and Love, nia


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