5:37am & Inspired

some trees and a sunrise by Master Pedda

Good Wednesday morning.  Two missions today: sharing inspiring posts of the week from my favorite bloggers and blogger award nominations.

Renplus with her post “Stop Pushing Me.” “the journey of 12,000 steps starts with the first one. I believe I’ve just taken it…”

Peter Cook @ TheRock’n’BusinessBlogger” with his post “I get knocked down, but I get up again.” “…The differentiator between these two poles (living in regret / reflection / rumination versus crashing on through life regardless) is the ability to learn from setbacks.  Not so much ‘Shut Up, Move On’…but ‘Stop, Learn, Adapt, Move On’…”

Hemouse with her post “Thirteen Reasons To Be Happy.”  “…Thanks to my nose…it makes me breathe fresh air…Thanks to my eyes, and then small again squint, I can be seen sunrise, sunset, flowers, flowers bloom…”

Tobey Days with her post “Dance to the Music You Hear Right Now.” “…Some days are great; filled with laughter, great food, and comfortable shoes…Some days are not so great; filled with regret, heartburn, and blisters…”

And now, on to the awards nominations…

Thank you Jenni @ NewsoftheTimes, Renee @ Rendezvous With Renee, DogDaz and Cristi @ Simple.Interesting for your award nominations. I’d like to “pay it forward” and nominate the following 10 bloggers for the “Inspiring Blog Award”:

If you choose to accept the award (absolutely no obligation – just consider this as a thank you for your great work), the rules are: (1) Link back to the person who nominated you, (2) Post the award image to your page.  (You can find the Link image here.), (3) Tell seven facts about yourself (4) Nominate 5-10 other blogs, (5) Let them know they are nominated. Congratulations!

And the Hump Day Inspiring Image of the Week: “Sealed with a kiss!”

seal with a kiss

Image Sources: llbwwb (sunrise) and madamescherzo (seal)

26 thoughts on “5:37am & Inspired

  1. Thanks for the nomination David, I am honored to be among those you spend a few minutes of your day with! I am in such amazing, inspiring company here…you’ve made my day 🙂 Thank you! And, oh-my-gosh – that photo is something to behold, I love it!


  2. Sometimes, my dear hubbie tries to kiss me like this (tee,hee!) And I am blown away by your nomination of my blog for this Inspiring Blog award–and by your awarding my blog 1000 points of light! Woo-hee!


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