I was in I-95 traffic snarl yesterday. Did this. It worked. (For 8 minutes)

“We spend great energy in mental processes wishing things were different than they are. Wishing the traffic jam didn’t exist. Wishing the boss were a little nicer, wishing our children would take our advice, wishing, wishing, wishing. Acceptance is a key to a happier life. If we can just try to accept what is, and that wanting otherwise is often wasted energy, we will be happier. We would be better able to experience the moment more fully with this state of mind.”


Image Source: vicforprez via teachingliteracy.  Quote Source: Pyschology Today. “Every moment in our lives has the potential to be (and generally is) a completely unique experience. Absorb every bit of the moment. Treasure it by completely experiencing it. Congratulations, you are Zen.”

30 thoughts on “I was in I-95 traffic snarl yesterday. Did this. It worked. (For 8 minutes)

  1. Good for you!! Once I get caught up in something, it’s very hard to let it go. I suppose that kind of passion is good when the cause is worthwhile, but in the normal ebb and flow of life, this is definitely a good position to take.


  2. you are right 🙂 but where is the limit between a wise acceptance and a the necessary moment you have to change a situation you can’t stand anymore ? when is the good moment to change something in our life at not accept anymore ?


      1. i’m not a philosopher lol but that is my dilemma of the day ? I was hoping an answer from the wise man i guess you are 🙂 people want to change because it is in tune with the times…but how can we know that we make a goode choice ??? that is your homework of the day dear David ! What is telling your background ?:)


  3. (Laughing – you have taken a X-ray photo of my mind). Its raining here from last 4 5 days and 2 days back I was stuck in traffic. Its 5-7 minutes drive towards home but it took me 75 minutes to reach. My mind was exactly like the picture above 🙂


  4. I wish I didn’t owe so much on my credit cards and my house wasn’t falling down and that I was a best selling author and could have a week off housework and cooking and, and, and, and…
    Just letting off steam. Now I’m going to have a wonderful weekend, having slammed the door to that particular filing cabinet in my brain.


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