1° F. Feels like -21° F. Or, Plan B.


Good Morning!
Inhale. Deeply.
Salty ocean air.

Slow walk down the beach.*
Surf lapping feet.

Morning papers.
Scones, butter, and strawberry jam.

Sunscreen. Sunglasses. Pool chair.
Sashaying palm fronds.
Late morning nap.

Catch of the day: Red Snapper.
Grilled vegetables.
Tall Iced Tea.

82° F.
Long swim.
Wide winged pelicans skimming over turquoise waters.
Soft afternoon rain.
Mid afternoon nap in hammock.

Light Dinner.
Gentle breeze. Sunset.
Evening cocktail.

One last chapter.
Drift slowly away.

Do over.

~ DK, Today’s Alternate Reality


On How to Feel Better

On How To Feel Better from Joshua Kang on Vimeo.

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I was in I-95 traffic snarl yesterday. Did this. It worked. (For 8 minutes)

“We spend great energy in mental processes wishing things were different than they are. Wishing the traffic jam didn’t exist. Wishing the boss were a little nicer, wishing our children would take our advice, wishing, wishing, wishing. Acceptance is a key to a happier life. If we can just try to accept what is, and that wanting otherwise is often wasted energy, we will be happier. We would be better able to experience the moment more fully with this state of mind.”


Image Source: vicforprez via teachingliteracy.  Quote Source: Pyschology Today. “Every moment in our lives has the potential to be (and generally is) a completely unique experience. Absorb every bit of the moment. Treasure it by completely experiencing it. Congratulations, you are Zen.”

Lift your head up…

The Cove, Stamford, CTThis photo was taken on my run this morning.  Yes, I know, “Amateur hour” and completely unremarkable (borderline trash).  I took me a bit to post it as my mind raced to the incredible photographers that I follow and the word association games that I play to keep going…Bill Pevlor (Mother Earth)…Tracie Louise (Surreal)…David Wetzel (Photographer, Painter, Writer), Robert Santafede (Pause), Vicky Taylor-Hood (Home)…and many others I’ve neglected to mention.

Yet, this photo is remarkable to me in other ways. Here’s the journey on the run this morning.

I set Mr. Endomondo to the workout mode of “Beat Yourself” – competing against my time from last Sunday.  (Endomondo destroyed me yesterday by a whopping 3 minutes.  Heat.  Humidity.  Excuses.  Stack them up. I can’t use yesterday as a base line. That’d be cheating…)

I strap on my Garmin GPS.  (You just don’t know when you’ll need the back-up.)

5:42 am.  I hit the start/go buttons on my gadgets.  And down the road we go. (LaDona is training for a half marathon in Victoria, B.C.  The least I can do is get 5 miles in before the thermometer hits 90°F.)

I’m less than 1/2 mile out, and Endomondo tells me that I’m 16 minutes ahead of Friday’s pace.  (Argggghhhhhhhh.  I must have pressed the WRONG button.  BAD Endomondo!  Here’s exactly why you have a contingency plan.) 

Continue reading “Lift your head up…”

Relaxing Sunday Run…

Sunflower6am.  And I’m off out the door.  I’m running.

Beautiful morning.  66° F.  So slight a breeze.  Sun’s up.  Birds in symphony.  God couldn’t have designed it better.

Mental Check: all clear.  No mist, fog or clouds.  All pistons firing.

iTunes set on shuffle.  10,000+ songs rattling around.

(When did I collect so many songs, and the real question is why?  Packrat.  And here I am annoyed and  banging on the forward button…missing the button…fat fingers…Apple’s too small screen…sweat dripping all over the iPhone…banging again…trying to cycle through the nastys to get to the gems…can’t break my stride…now sweat burning my eyes because I’m looking down to get to the right song…must be the hair gel from last night…chemicals likely peeling off my cornea…all because I can’t bear to throw anything away…or better yet, because I’m too lazy to make a playlist for running…ok…there…Santana…good beat…now pick up the pace…look up…get back in stride.  Why do you get so annoyed with the little things?  Now laughing at myself. Be happy you can run you idiot…)

Continue reading “Relaxing Sunday Run…”