6:10am and inspired…

Good Wednesday morning.  Two missions today.  Sharing inspiring posts of the week from several of my favorite bloggers and blogger award nominations.

Kicking it off with Ivan Terzic @ My Highlights – Utopia with Face Painting – Magical Self-Transforming

FeyGirl @ Serenity Spell with her post: Anoles of the Rainbow — and a Newly Discovered Color Variant!

Sandy @ Another Lovely Day with her poem: breathing in the quiet

The tide gently,
in between the spaces,
covering the shore,
smoothing patterns,
clearing all traces,
with waves
that are but ripples,
lapping…(hit link for more)

And now on to the Blogger awards of the week:

Thank you Joy of Traveling’s Diaries for nominating me for the One Lovely Award.   As to seven facts about me: (1) I’m a lousy swimmer (forget triathlons). (2) I still haven’t been to Paris.  (3) I can watch re-runs of the King of Queens over and over and over. (4) I have little (no) creative talent yet, I am in awe of artists (musicians, painters, sculptures, photographers, wood carvers).   (5) Can survive on pasta and ice cream. (6) I love all animals and mammals, all living things. (7) I am equally at peace in the Mountains or near the Ocean.  

In return, I’d like to nominate the following bloggers for the One Lovely Award – listed in alphabetical order.  My short description in parens…

To accept the award, the rules are:

  1. Link back to the person who nominated you
  2. Post the award image to your page.  (Here’s the Link)
  3. Tell seven facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 10 other blogs
  5. Let them know they are nominated
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28 thoughts on “6:10am and inspired…

  1. The photo of the anole is amazing..,Congratulations on your award – well deserved as always! You nominated a rockin’ list of bloggers!! Enjoy your day and take mental notes for when you come home.


  2. ♥✿♥ CONGRATS, and thanks so much again, for sharing our rare orange anole, from deep in the swamps of the Everglades! I hope to hear soon what the experts may say of these new lovely color morphs. ♥✿♥


  3. Lol. Must be genetic…I am with you on all of your seven. Great pictures and Face Painting blog was neat. Congrats on your nomination as its more than well deserved!


  4. How lovely! 🙂 Thank you for the nomination and for sharing my poem, Dave. I’m honoured on both accounts. And congratulations to you, too. Much deserved!


  5. I always enjoy your blog, but never quite expected to be listed! Thanks so much for that. I’m just catching up on things after vacation and wanted to send thanks and say that I truly love the varied nature and depth of your blog posts.


  6. I’m so so grateful for the nomination and for your kind words…THANK YOU! I’m just back from the epic roadtrip I posted about one week ago, maybe I’ll post some pics tomorrow! For the moment, many thanks and have a nice evening! (I guess you’re GMT-8, aren’t you?!) 🙂


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