Wally’s Great Adventures (70)

hello friends, wally here. i’m sorry for being away so long. my friend ray from nashville sent me an email and he said it looked like dad dumped me, and that he’s fallen in love with something called a cigaret, or signet or some stoopid white fluffy thing. i thought about that and it all made sense and would explain why i kept asking dad to borrow his laptop and he wouldn’t let me. he must have been sending love notes to his cigaret. and, oh, just when you think it couldn’t get worse, mom dropped me off at the vet, who shaved my paw, stuck me with a needle, and then everything went blurry and I was out. when i got up, i looked down and i was missi’g my ballies! and it hurt so much down there. i was so shocked to see they were missing that I must have passed out again. when i got up, mom and dad were waiting but dad said he couldn’t bear to look. i asked him how did he think i felt, and he just shuddered. then we came home and mom said that i had to wear a plastic lampshade on my head. and i had to agree with dad, i looked like a circus monkey and dad refused to let me wear a lamp on my head. vet also said that i couldn’t jump and run too much for two weeks, TWO WEEKS! dad said no almost-show-quality dog of his would be off the grid for 2 weeks and interrupt training…but for a few days i’m resting, taking short walks with mom and going on car rides with dad. so that’s it for now. Wally.

The A-Team

Wally and our grand-dog Sully.

Our Frenchie Brothers.

Top image is a photo from March 5, 2023.

Bottom image is a wonderful painting by Carol Tamplin, commissioned by our great friend Jan.  What an amazing gift Jan! Thank you.

Wally’s Great Adventures (69 – VOLUME UP)

hello friends, wally here. dad’s show quality dog training continues. hmmmmm. dad’s been taking me out for nature walks, which is nice and all, except both days we went it was pouring rain, and i was scrambling to keep up to him as he walks really fast. my belly (undercarriage as dad calls it) wouldn’t even clear the giant puddles so i was sopping wet. dad told me to stop complaining and keep up or a bear will eat me, which sounds frightening. somewhere along the line dad missed the memo that frenchies are in-door lap dogs. dad said enough hiding behind mom’s skirt and its time to start training on how to look fierce and scare bad people. so i’m working on that, as dad says i couldn’t even scare a little kitten, which wasnt nice. that’s all for now. nap time. have a great weekend. Your Scary-Wally.

Wally’s Great Adventures (68 – VOLUME UP – Walk of Life!)

hello friends, wally here. we went for a walk at woodland park yesterday. wow, so many things to smell and do. i met some new friends including a black newfoundland, she was GIANT, but so friendly. dad said i have a lot of show quality training to do as i wasn’t that good at jumping from rock to rock or crawling over logs. dad told mom to stop babying me, and let me figure it out. i love mom, and dad walked away mumbling ‘she just can’t help herself.’ i’m so glad mom can’t help herself, whatever that means. have a great sunday. Wally.

Wally’s Great Adventures (67 – VOLUME UP – Puppy Love!)

hello friends, wally here. sorry for not keeping up with my posts. i’ve been sort of distracted. i met a new friend (dad calls her my girl-friend and he says that i’m smitten). her name is ‘betty-white’, and she’s so cute. dad said she’s a dachshund mix. i don’t know about this ‘mix’ thing but she’s a mix of all the most beautiful things. and dad no longer calls me The Low Rider because Betty can run right under me with even having to bend her head. and she can motor. don’t tell dad that i really like Betty because he’s already saying that she’s a distraction from Show Quality Dog Training…that’s all everyone. have a great sunday.

Head-Over-Heals-In-Love, Wally.