Walking. What you hold, holds you. (Again)

5:45 a.m, and I’m out the door. Dark Sky app says 36° F, feels like 34°, and I call bullsh*t on that. No chance. My finger tips are tingling, a mere handful of steps into my daybreak walk.

But I’m ready. Come and get some of This.  Long johns, wool socks, double lined sweatpants, hoody, tuk (tuuuuuuk), a winter coat sewn by one of Dale’s relatives in Northern Quebec, and Norwegian Merino wool gloves. Because Norwegian’s know cold. And, caution flags are flying, need to avoid public areas looking like this, a threat, and get cut down by an AR-15.

What’s good about Cold?  It keeps the Chatty’s out of the park. And today, even the regulars are absent. It’s me, and the Herons, Queen’s Guards, stoic, standing in ice cold water, winds gusting off Long Island Sound.  Just the way we like it.

94 snaps taken this morning, and that one above has stuck. 92 better shots, but this one won’t let go. It’s the Full moon watching me traipse around the muck in low tide. Robbins: “She wondered how the moon, two hundred and thirty-nine thousand miles above…could affect her as profoundly as it did…Yet, as any half-awake materialist knows, that which you hold holds you.

And between this morning’s full Moon, yesterday’s morning lunar eclipse, it’s been all Moon, all-the-time.

I check back on whether I dropped that Robbins’ quote in a prior post, and sure as sh*t, I did 2 months ago. And now I’m rattled, forgetting sh*t, repeating sh*t, and lost, as to where this post is going.

Ah, yes.

That Moon. 239,000 miles away. And its sparkling luminescence, draws me in. I tuck the camera away, and march to the Light.


Come on DK, where did you read it?  Pull it out.

Ah, yes.

Elif Shafak: “A plant always bends towards light.”


Photo: DK @ Daybreak. 6:16 a.m. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT. 30° F, feels a lot damn colder.

34 thoughts on “Walking. What you hold, holds you. (Again)

  1. Dammit. Got all – did I add this book to my wish list – and lost my mostly-written comment.

    Tuque. Or if you wanna be Anglo about it, toque – which to me, makes no sense as it’s a long U and not an o of any genre. And you’re already wearing long johns? Good god, man, what are you gonna wear this winter?

    All teasing aside. I can so understand why this image holds you. It has everything. The light is amazing, the moon (yes, it’s all moon for me too!), the sky, the reflections. Beauty of a shot. And, does it matter that you’ve used this quote before? Do you think we are keeping count? No, we are not. Your organisational skills blow me away, just so you know. And your capacity to pull out the right quote at the right time, too.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Dale gets the prize for best exchange with you…The best quotes are worthy of repeating. And I always thought a toque was a chef’s hat – I appreciate the alternative definition! And yes, Dave – you rock, even if you are dressed like a Yeti.

          Liked by 2 people

  2. Breathtakingly perfect. The image. Your writing The quote. God, that quote

    I told my therapist recently that I loved being held, respond to it. He told me that one of the meanings of dharma is to hold. And I feel that, need that, hold that. As it holds me. Us.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The combination of your current wardrobe ensemble, your description of the environment, “standing in ice cold water, winds gusting off Long Island Sound. Just the way we like it.” with the recent photo of Wim Hof, almost naked doing a split on the snow, still gives me the giggles. I’m wondering if his hot breathing technique is helping.
    And I love the accompanying moon photo! (tonight ours was covered in foggy myst (not mist, but very mysterious)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This powerful sentence can apply to everything we experience in life. If we hold fear. Fear holds us. If we hold love. Love holds us. If we hold expansiveness and nature. It hold us too. Beautiful to remember this. I will hold this! Ha! thanks Dave. 🌿🌈🌿

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You amuse me. 😉

    isn’t it interesting how adverse conditions eliminate a large majority of humans? Whether it’s cold, wind, high altitude, middle of nowhere places, whatever. We thrive in such conditions and places. One can commune with nature and one’s own inner nature there. 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

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