Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

Photos: DK @ Daybreak. Snow flurries. 6:05 am. to 6:28 am, February 1, 2021.  26° F, feels like 11° F, wind gusts up to 44 mph. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT.

54 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. Beautiful photos. I bet those geese can hardly wait for it to warm up, but they do make a great picture. I think what makes these photos especially effective is the half light. Broad daylight would not have given them such magic.

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  2. So beautiful! 👏👏Well done to you DK for being out there alone to capture this divine beauty. When I am in nature each day, no one is ever there, and yet, I’m always surprised by this? It’s like I’ve discovered the garden of Eden and have it all to myself! 🌈

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  3. Eerily beautiful! You are brave…and wise–thanks for sharing it with we indoor inhabitants. I’m guessing that no ground hog is coming out tomorrow to forecast spring–maybe, because it held off for so long, we’ll have endless winter?

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