All My Friends

This book is dedicated to the voices in my head, the most remarkable of my friends.

And to my wife, who lives with us.

Fredrik Backman, the opening dedication to his new book titled “Anxious People: A Novel” (Atria Books, September 8, 2020)


34 thoughts on “All My Friends

  1. one of my very, very favorite authors and I just bought this book yesterday, I have loved every single thing he’s written and read his interviews about his personal challenges with life and fame. I can’t wait. my favorite book of his so far was, ‘my grandmother told me to tell you she’s sorry.’ extraordinary.

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      1. I will find a good one for you, he is open about his own personal challenges and how it’s his wife who keeps him going, with all of the things he needs to do to support his books, but sometimes he just needs to take breaks and step away from it all, never thought he’d be famous.

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  2. Dang. That pile beside my bed keeps getting bigger!

    Love the dedication.

    My brother-in-law sent a link to my Sundays with Beaumont blog after the friend met Beau at their house. The friend asked him, “It sounds like it really is Beau talking. How does she do it?” My brother-in-law responded, “Because her mind is a very busy place.”

    Harrumph. I can relate. 🙂

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  3. Ove was one of the books I first thought I shouldn’t have bought. That guy was SO extraordinarily unhospitable, no replies, no charm, no nothing – and then, one slowly ‘discovered’ him and started loving him – a truly unforgettable book. I’d love to read any other fiction of this writer. And he’s young too – but really, knowing that he’s a Swede, I can vouch for that particular behaviour (Ove’s), is also partially Swedish. I’ve worked for a Swede as well as his swedish solicitor…. It was quite a steep learning curve of social behaviour (or not) with those guys. Maybe, if I’ve still got some sight after having read all my unread books, I shall have a go at another Backman.

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