Saturday Morning

Daybreak. August 22, 2020. 5:20 to 5:35 am. 72° F. Humidity 84%. Wind: 7 mph. Gusts: 13 mph. Cloud Cover: 95%. The Cove, Stamford, CT

61 thoughts on “Saturday Morning

          1. Sorry about that. It’s a beautiful concept. Giving the person a descriptive name after observing them for a while. A name they earn.

            Roger Housden in Saved by Beauty, said of one of Iran’s towns, that the way the gardens are landscaped, the way the roads are laid out, the way cafe’s are set up, the entrances to homes, and interior decor, is all not done with the intention to display wealth or status. It is designed to make you (feel) a certain way.

            The photos you have been taking feel a certain way. And that is what matters.

            LOVE the shed photo framing, everything about it.

            Liked by 2 people

        1. I was just going to ask you about what you mean with your allusions, so obviously Dave isn’t the only one left in the dark…. Then – while I struggled fed up with WP for AGAIN not allowing me to sign in on the iPad – you came up with that additional info, made it unnecessary to ask. Although, I just have, now, didn’t I? 😉
          You def. are too complex for simple minds like DK and me ….. 🙂 Love you.

          Liked by 2 people

  1. It’s Lake Erie, isn’t it? You know I used to be an early bird. But then I maried HH and as he was/is unable to face any morning, I knew our then young marriage was in danger if one of us didn’t change their ‘wake up modus’…. I did and now I would equally be unable to get up and be joyful, fit and willing to venture outside at such an ungodly hour…. I’m not a baker, for heaven’s sake! 😉

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  2. You know that I had – during all my life – a ‘window seat’ in geography?! That’s why I have been travelling quite a bit, so that I knew first hand about at least the places I’ve been. Had forgotten that we were talking about CT, sorry!!!!! Of course….. still: it’s a stunningly beautiful place to be!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lovely. You’re getting better by the frame.
    84% humidity at 5:20 in CT? Too much, even by FL standards. But at least you don’t have a hurricane zooming in on you.


  4. Sleep hard last night so needed after yesterday’s events…as the wind moves we occasionally smell the smoke (such a reminder) from their house, loft through our window… Yes, I noticed your humidity level, too, ick…/// since the computer cooperated I glance quickly back through your posts to May 1st, looking at the photos and glancing at the content of the days you posted photos at the Cove…struck by the change in light and time of daybreak…enjoyable looking back at the photos…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes, noticed a marked change in time of daybreak and it is dark at 9pm here…around the end of June one could see faint light in the distance until about 10:20pm One of my sisters in another area said it is still dark at 5:45 am I am going to check here tomorrow cause I think it is light here at that time…I think it fun to go back through your archives…

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