T.G.I.F.: It’s Been A Long Week

Go wreck yourself once more against the day

and wash up like a bottle on the shore,

lucidity and salt in all you say.

David Mason, from “Another Thing,” Sea Salt, Poems of a Decade: 2004-2014

Notes: Poem via The Vale of Soulmaking. Photo: (via Your Eyes Blaze Out)

13 thoughts on “T.G.I.F.: It’s Been A Long Week

      1. LOL — I just noticed my typo — I think I was thinking ‘safe’ when the word is salt – ahh is that a Freudian slip? I want to feel safe but don’t know how to sell the idea because it feels salty in the woundedness of these days? 🙂 Oh my. Where’s that lucidity when I need it? 🙂

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