
Notes: Photo: Independent. Background on Caleb/Wednesday/Hump Day Posts and Geico’s original commercial: Let’s Hit it Again


27 thoughts on “Guess.What.Day.It.Is?

  1. For some reason, this photo makes me cry. There is something so poignant and so very ‘real’ about it — Wednesday or not, no one on this earth, including the animals, are untouched by Covid — and still, Love finds a way.

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      1. I thought of you David as I wrote my blog in memory of my brother this morning. Over 23 years ago, he made a decision that forever changed our family circle, and still, there are days, like today which would have been his 72nd birthday, when I am reminded that ‘love holds no memory of wrongs’. There is only Love.

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  2. Oh my, it’s happened already — I didn’t even notice the mask until mentioned in the comments. It’s only been a few very long weeks — we shouldn’t go mask-blind this soon, should we? ❤ Stay well, all.

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  3. I’d like to chuckle at this, but the situation is much too dire. Friends in a number of areas of the continent tell me that, for them, it’s a choice between getting the virus and dying or starving to death.

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