


47 thoughts on “Guess.What.Day.It.Is?

          1. I’m blocking six and and half years from my consciousness, not just a moment. All my first marriage.
            I’ll kiss the camel I guess!

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  1. “Kiss Me, Fool” Day? They do look yummy, soft, and inviting. Hey, I’ve even kissed my kitties, if not on the lips. (They do have lips, don’t they?) Mmmm! Now I’m feeling warm and fuzzy!

    Happy Hump Day, sir! You save millions, perhaps billions of workers from the despair of wage slavery by reminding them, “Yes, there is a weekend in your future. Hold on, don’t pull that trigger till you learn you have to come in Saturday, maybe Sunday, to complete that project I assigned you Tuesday knowing you couldn’t complete in less than two weeks, by promising you a phantom wage increase if you did it!”

    We’ve all been there, except the guys next to the top. They get to tell their superiors, “Yes, I had him put in front of a firing squad for failing to complete the task you needed done! It was unfortunate his wife and 14 children will have to forage for roots and berries to survive, but, since he was executed, there are no widow’s benefits for her!”

    The guy next to the top, of course, will get a zillion dollar pay raise/bonus because he showed excellent judgement in dealing with the problem work slave who would have completed the project and been satisfied with an “attaboy” had the deadline been realistic.

    Cynical? Not for the wage slave, who works in a deluded notion that you can become a top guy if only you sacrifice personal life for the company!

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