Lightly Child, Lightly.

There are things that happen in the world that have an effect out of proportion to their apparent importance. It is as if there were always blowing a faint, supernatural wind through the world, holding a secret of assuagement for troubled hearts, that is only perceptible when it can find a straw, a feather, a gossamer-seed, a leaf, in the débris of circumstance light enough for it to stir.

~ John Cowper Powys, Weymouth Sands


  • Photo: Mary Daniel Hobson with Reverie # 1. Quote: Thank you Hammock Papers
  • Post Title & Inspiration: Aldous Huxley: “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.”

20 thoughts on “Lightly Child, Lightly.

  1. I find it difficult, YES, very beautiful, but sadly also troubling. I see, day after day, rather an ‘out of proportion effect’ in a not so subtle way…. May I just mention the political situation in your country, the ever so slightest mention, a word, a wrinkling of a brow – and it all blows up, really out of proportion.
    I WISH it could be the gossamer light touch with the tremendous good effect.
    I paused a long time to ponder my comment; sadly, it hasn’t changed since I read those beautiful words. YES, I’m going to try to make THAT difference to my next, my partner, family, neighbour, friend, the sales person in the shop, and I DO hope it makes a positive difference to their life, only some days I have some misgievings in my own faith and capacities.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Yes, that photo brings the words to an even lovelier significance! [wish my “star” clicking function worked…] I sense that “things that happen in the world that have an effect out of proportion to their apparent importance” may really apply to…all of it (italicize=function doesn’t work either). Thus, beauty and imagination and deeper knowing can lift us while in this world.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “an effect out of proportion to their apparent importance” this has always been…and today in this world the effects of Witness, of words, of actions, of catastrophic hearsay travel faster than the inhale of breath to far corners of the globe…where a person hears or reads and exhales heavily in concern, perhaps in fear, with no outlet for their frustration or engaging in misguided actions revealing their frustration…the atmosphere of swirls of jet-streamed air pushing across the globe reminiscent of fingers of swirl within a round, smooth marble held in the hand of a young boy innocent to most of the grown-up issues blowing through the air waves in this world and when the boy ponders something he hears… he wonders why people can’t find a middle-ground of co-existence…all the boy wants is to blow real hard the audible words out and upward in prayer for a future of Hope, Peace & Joy…

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