Tuesday Morning Wake-Up Call


When you get into your car, shut the door and be there for just half a minute. Breathe, feel the energy inside your body, look around at the sky, the trees. The mind might tell you, ‘I don’t have time.’ But that’s the mind talking to you. Even the busiest person has time for 30 seconds of space.

Eckhart Tolle, from Oprah Talks to Eckhart Tolle (Oprah.com)

Notes: Quote – Thank you Beth @ Alive on All Channels. Photo: maggie kirkpatrick

33 thoughts on “Tuesday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. I do that when I, respectively, just before, I get up. I breathe deeply, say Thank You for being alive and re-enforce my 2019 decision to JUST BE HAPPY, then I get up and begin my day. As silly and rather naïve it sounds, this conscient decision to be happy, unexpectedly works!!!! Or as Hero Husband says: Tout se passe dans la tête – it’s mind over matter, so, so often!
    Great pairing, again…. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Lovely. Every Monday I write a weekly intention and share it with the staff at the homeless shelter where I work. Yesterday, I forgot. This morning, though my mind-talk wanted to tell me I’m too busy, no one will miss it, we’re in budgets who has time for the small things, I took a few moments for self-reflection, wrote my intention and sent it out. A day late, but I took the time because, as Tolle writes, “Even the busiest person has time for 30 seconds of space.”

    Writing and sharing my weekly intention creates space for all the team to grow silent for a moment, breathe and reflect on what they want to create in this world, no matter how busy the times.

    Thanks for the lovely confirmation David — I’d just sent out my weekly intention to the team and then, I read your post.

    Much gratitude. Love the photo.

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  3. Pingback: Dare boldly
  4. Yes! I give myself permission to “do” very short meditations throughout the day–30 seconds, one minute, 2 minutes. The sweetness of touching base with the Allness.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. The photo so Amazing! The Emitting Energy so Alive with Growing,Glowing Light…a Spinning Vortex of Possibilities…for the Greater Good, for Personal Joy, for Appreciation of Life and Its Gifts…Love Forward…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. We all have it … yet we don’t realize it. When we see it, we find our truth.
    It is there with every breath in every moment. It is just our thinking and conditioning that prevents us from waking up to it. 💛

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  7. I commented earlier only on the photo…Regarding the quote…when I read this five days ago and now again I was and am struck at my thought that this was written by a person with a Western industrial culture/modern day perspective…having a car, living under the pressure of the rat race…being removed from communion with the natural cycle of life…Appreciation of the Blessings of Life and Nature, Nurture, Growing Soul…/// So many people in this World are struggling for the basic needs of Life…they are out in the elements, connected with the the bare dirt, the beauty of the land and they know that their Life depends on the Land they Walk on, the water they can gather and sadly at times the land they have need to flee from… where they must journey far w/ insurmountable odds and try to regroup…into a culture and land they are not familiar with…///Eckhart Tolle was raised in Germany, has lived in the USA and now is comfortable living in cosmopolitan Vancouver, BC…and even though he has studied and lived with influences of many cultures & religions he seems to write to an Audience of Westerners (maybe that is because the readers who have the income to buy a precious book are Westerners?)…I do believe his suggestions of taking time to breath is unilaterally essential to All in every corner of the World…///and I think of one of the most powerful accounts I’ve read of survival that has stayed with me for months was of the survival of a women a living victim of a serial killer…she was a young twenty year old married mother, smart with a strength and determination to save her Life and I think of How She Had the Presence of Mind as she was thrown to the ground in a beautiful forest wilderness, not giving up hope that she would live that he would stop his violence…that she found connection to the wild forest beauty – the trees, the smells, the temperature, the moss, the wildflowers next to her head…and thank God she found a connection to the Evil Man that broke through to what little bit of compassion he had as he spared her life…she carries with her guilt…she reported, the police pushed her off…they ignored the hospital reports and her account she was of a different race of those small town police…she prayed he’d be caught and she would remind the police that she was not going to let this slide…still no help…many decades past and many loss their lives and she tried hard to make someone listen, finally he was brought to justice and she was so thankful that his reign had ended and so Mournful that she wasn’t able to Stop Him…years before…her culture keep her close to the beauty and gifts of the Earth…which helped her to Heal…she never lost sight of cleansing, connecting breath that Eckhart Tolle speaks of, the Gift of Life and she knows that Each Breath is a Gift…

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