Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

Photo: Starling by Ostdrossel (Michigan, Jan 5, 2019, National Bird Day!)

34 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. Is this your bird Mr K?
    Just on a side note. Yesterday afternoon as I was swimming in my pool, a willywagtail flew into my yard and I nearly called you to shout. That must be my bird for the year! Ha 🐣

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    1. It’s not. But some might argue with the mouth it very well is.

      As to willywagtail, never heard of it. Googled it to find:

      “It is believed that having a Willie (or Willy) wagtail as your animal totem brings you to live with the feeling of excitement and gregariousness. … Willie Wagtails are considered territorial. They are very aggressive and noisy when defending their nest sites and territory.”

      Sounds like you Karen!

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      1. Oh but you have the wisdom and calm energy of owl and besides, different spirit animals arrive when we need to be reminded of their energy in our own life, and that’s why it’s always so interesting! 💚💕 Happy New Year Lori 💕

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          1. Unless, of course, there is nothing particularly captivating on this trip 😉
            They can’t all be fodder for fabricating a post that makes us go hmmm or laugh…

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  2. The photo is an attention grabber…love the Euro Starlings markings…where ever you land and exit the Big Aluminum Bird perhaps when you arrive at your hotel there will be a pretty courtyard where you’ll see & claim your Bird Spirit for the year…

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