Monday Morning Wake-Up Call


28 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. A laughing out loud moment on this miserable, grey, rainy and stormy Monday morning…. But I fear for the little one – mum in me sees all the things that could happen at any moment now! 🙂
    Have a good one – we all could use one!

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  2. I am beautiful, smart, independent and whee, this is fun, I am going to take flight, life is an adventure…/// When I was a whee one I climbed the chair next to the bathroom sink …that one of the older sisters had pulled over to unlocked the medicine cabinet, she set the St. Joseph Aspirin for children bottle down, she left to put the key back, returned to find me eating the Aspirin…she of course ran to Mom and off to the ER we went…we thought they tasted yummy and were candy…It was a haunting event…not being able to talk, being restrained by five or six medical personal as they treated me…sliding the tube down my
    esophagus to my stomach and then they started cranking a wheel on the equipment to empty the contents of my little tummy…

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