Blogger’s Creed


Source: Wasted Rita via this isn’t happiness

36 thoughts on “Blogger’s Creed

  1. Oh dear…. On a related note, heard an interesting statistic yesterday…average adult spends 9 hours a day in front of some sort of screen — desktop, laptop, tablet, smart phone — yet 78% of parents feel they are modeling good ‘device usage’ behavior for their kids. Houston, we have a problem….


  2. Oh, come on David!
    The void we all experience isn’t bigger than that felt a decade ago, or a century ago.
    Way before blogging people found ways to connect and share stories and experiences. Pen pals, remember pen pals when we were young?

    That thing about needing approval?
    Has nothing to do with blogging or social media. A person that needs approval is a person that needs approval, period.

    When I like or comment on your blog it is because I like it, I love it, it added something to me, to my experience. Something I wouldn’t have come across otherwise.

    This post made me sad, don’t like it.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. It fits my life. And it’s sad. And I’ve been thinking of chucking it all because of it. The Internet is a void that will never be filled — nor fill you. Although we pretend it will. I like this blog, my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. How to live tomorrow (and the most days from the rest of your life):
    Wake up. Look out of the window. See the sky, the fading stars, the miracle of all of it. Listen to birds, talk to the person who is with you. Remind yourself that you’re living on a rock that races through an empty, deadly nothing. And although this is potentially dangerous enough, many people on this planet seem to have nothing better to do, than try to kill one another. Remind yourself that, at the same time, when you drink your tea, that somewhere else people starve, feel alone, lose their home. Feel the miracle that you’re healthy, alive, have a home, somebody who loves you, a job. And than go out and talk to people, be friendly. Show that you’re a living person, not just an icon on a smartphone. Tell a joke, laugh, cry, Just be alive. …
    I’m not doing this all the time, not every day. I come home from work, often tired and sometimes really fed up. I’m sometimes unfriendly, unfair and neitehr a good partner nor a nice colleague. Caught between my hopes and fears and millions of everyday things.
    But sometimes, in this very rare moments, there’s this climpse of what is really important. And I know. This is it. This is, why you’re here. This is your life. DO IT!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I don’t think that’s a blogger’s creed, but a social media (Facebook, Twitter) aholic creed. Blogs do so much more than rotate around repeated selfies. But this does say something about the addiction to the screen time.

    Liked by 1 person

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